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Re-Scha Immun-o-flash 90g


290,00  / kg

Thanks to its special composition, it can have a positive metabolic effect on strengthening the immune system.

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Re-Scha Immune-o-flash 90g

Supplementary feed for ornamental birds, carrier pigeons, terrarium animals, small rodents and ornamental rabbits

Thanks to its special composition, Immun-o-flash® can have a positive metabolic effect on strengthening the immune system.

Immunity is not visible. Nevertheless, the immune system is of immense importance to the body. It protects the body against influences from the living environment. It registers threats from harmful microorganisms and viruses. It is very important to do everything possible to support the functionality of the immune system.

It is well known that the immune system cannot be run at the highest level all the time. It needs a build-up phase and a rest phase. In the long term, constant stimuli “blunt” the immune system, with the result that it gets out of control or no longer functions fully. The result would be an increased susceptibility to virus-related infections.

The following virus types play a major role in the pet sector:

APV virus (avian polyoma virus): causes a very high nestling mortality rate, particularly in birds. This virus, previously known mainly in small parakeets, is now also spreading rapidly in canaries and woodland birds. As far as I know, the virus has not yet spread to pigeon populations. However, the possibility exists.

PBFD virus (Circo virus): is known for feather and beak diseases. Young birds lose some of their tail and wing feathers at nestling age. These later grow back in part and after a certain time these feathers are lost again. The result is an endless cycle. In racing pigeons, “circoviruses” are associated with the so-called “young pigeon disease”.

PDD virus (Borna virus): is held responsible for glandular gastric dilatation in parrots and parakeets, which is usually fatal. This type of virus is particularly difficult to medicate, usually with no prospect of success.

Manufacturer’s statement: Immun-o-flash® was initially only intended to be a dedicated solution to a problem that I had been dealing with for over two decades. For example, I used to have unpleasant encounters with the polyoma virus in my birds. At some point – many years ago – the measure of all things was full, as even a lot of advice (including a long break from breeding) did not bring the hoped-for success. The combination of immune-relevant building blocks from the natural food reservoir brought the breakthrough. It was not the immunoglobulins of the dairy cow, nor the oregano fractions in all their diversity. The experiences of many users in the bird and pigeon sector have made me sit up and take notice in recent years. In addition to the initially intended use of Immun-o-flash, many other interesting areas of application have opened up.

Analytical constituents and contents

22.5% crude protein, 7.0% crude fat, 7.0% crude fiber, 7.0% crude ash


Yeast (inactive from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae), yeast extracted, spirulina algae, algae meal (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), taiga root powder, linseed cake

Nutritional additives per 1000 g

300,000 mcg biotin (3a880)

Technological additives per 1000g

1000 mg calcium ascorbate (1b302), 500 mg tocopherol extracts from vegetable oils (1b306(i))

Feeding instructions:

8-10g/kg feed (see package insert)


Immun-o-flash® is a dietary supplement and not a drug. It can only support the metabolism. In problem stocks, the biological drug PT-12 (active ingredient: lactobacillus salivarius) should therefore be used at the same time for at least 10 days. Immun-o-flash® can also be administered over a longer period of time. The decisive factor for the duration of application is always: which objectives are to be pursued with Immun-o-flash® and which functional areas are to be covered.

Application in the target animal species

Ornamental birds

Parent or breeding animals: receive Immun-o-flash® via the grain, soft or sprouted feed over a period of approx. 3 weeks. After a three-week break, Immun-o-flash® is again administered over a period of 7-14 days. In order to prevent irritations with the known APV virus, the application should be started at least three weeks before egg laying. In this context, it is important that the application continues throughout the entire laying phase. This form of application can be repeated several times a year without hesitation.

Young animals: newly hatched young animals from the first clutch are usually given Immun-o-flash® over a period of at least 10 days via the parents’ feed. Administration to young animals of the second and third brood may make sense in the event of corresponding virus irritations. Particular attention should be paid to the occurrence of the PBFD virus (feather disease). To prevent the loss of tail and wing feathers, Immun-o-flash® should be used as a supportive measure throughout the rearing period. This means: the parent birds receive Immun-o-flash® from the first day of the chicks’ lives until the young birds fledge (throughout the entire nestling or nest box phase).

Simultaneous administration of the re-scha products “Frucht-mash” and “Tarsin” in equal parts has proved very successful in practice.

Carrier pigeons

Strengthening the immune system of the parent animals can have a positive effect on their offspring. For this reason, the parent animals should be given Immun-o-flash® first. The administration of Immun-o-flash® before the mating season has proven to be effective. Immun-o-flash® is given over a period of approx. 2-3 weeks before the start of breeding. Ideally, it should be administered during the egg-laying period. This application can be repeated several times a year without hesitation, even if the application time is shortened.

Young birds: newly hatched young birds are supplied with Immun-o-flash® over a period of 7-14 days via the feed of the parent birds. The simultaneous administration of PT-12 should not be forgotten in this phase. Weaned young pigeons receive Immun-o-flash® at irregular intervals (6-8 weeks) over a period of 7-14 days. In the case of irritations with the so-called “young pigeon disease”, the young pigeons are given Immun-o-flash® over a period of at least 14 days at least 8 weeks before the young birds start flying. Simultaneous administration of PT-12 makes a lot of sense in this context.

Racing pigeons (old and young pigeons): receive Immun-o-flash® for a period of 2-3 weeks approx. 4-6 weeks before the start of the flight. The supplementary feeding of Immun-o-flash® should be completed approx. 1 week before the start of the pre-flights. Immun-o-flash® can support a “booster effect” during the journey. It therefore makes sense to use Immun-o-flash® if the racing pigeons have had an extremely difficult flight or are physically “flagging”. It can be used three to four times during the racing season over a period of 2-3 days (beginning to middle of the week) without hesitation.

Terrarium animals, small rodents and ornamental rabbits

A functioning immune system can react much more effectively to stimuli from the living environment. The immune system is challenged by transportation stress, food changes or physical stress, which often occur in the breeding sector, but also in the case of skin and dandruff formation and coat changes. Terrarium animals, small rodents and ornamental rabbits are initially given Immun-o-flash® in their food for a period of approx. three weeks. After an interruption of approx. three weeks, Immun-o-flash® is administered again over a period of approx. one week. This application option can be repeated several times a year: the longer the application interval, the longer the application time.

Dosage and administration

The recommended dosage is approx. 8-10g per kg of grain feed. If the feed is administered via germ or rearing feed (bird area!), the dosage should be increased. If administered via the germ or rearing feed, the dosage should be selected so that general feed acceptance is still guaranteed.

Negative effects of an overdose (even over a longer period of time) on animal health are not yet known.

1 level measuring spoon contains 3g Immun-o-flash®. This means: 3 measuring spoons/kg grain feed correspond to the recommended dosage.
The best way to bind Immun-o-flash® to the feed is with the help of re-schas “Frutin”. However, it is also possible to simply sprinkle the feed with Immun-o-flash® or mix it in dry for a single application per bird. Detailed mixing instructions can also be found in the “Frutin usage information”.

Manufacturer No.400036

Weight 0,19 kg



90 g

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